Thursday, March 26, 2009

Home again (again)

My trip to the Midwest was ... eventful. In one week's time, I managed to:

- have birthday cake with one of my favorite Elizabeths (there are two) and her brother

- spend about 15 hours (and that's a cautious estimate) in the car ... yes, I could've *driven* to Indiana in that amount of time

- get a speeding ticket. Great.

- get everything to the church on time

- meet my new gay boyfriend

- participate as the "Lady of the Rings" (I *love* that) in my other favorite Elizabeth's wedding

- put together 8.5 hours of bonafide awesome wedding reception music, including everyone's all-time favorite "Ice, Ice Baby" ... yo, VIP, let's kick it.

- get hit on by a fabulous married chick

- get hit on by Elizabeth #2's fabulous father

- spend the entire wedding reception questioning my powers of invisibility (they work!)

- play euchre twice, once displaying the aforementioned powers of invisibility

- get hit on some more by the terrific married chick (and her husband)

- bluff my way into winning at poker with only a pair of 7s

- have a really wonderful dinner with my ex, only to have the evening descend into the most-ridiculous-lesbian-drama-ever in a matter of five minutes

- be the cause of a complete relationship meltdown, without having done *anything*

- eat at Skyline twice, Toot's (oh my God -- pickle chips!), Laughing Planet (try the Southwest Green Chile burrito -- add chicken) and the new-and-wonderful Farm.

- visit with my mom, grandma and a bunch of good friends, with one noticeable absence (Nicole? I missed you!)

- see Boulder-the-wonder-dog and steal a fork (don't ask)

- get home in one utterly, completely exhausted piece

Real life starts again tomorrow. Going to go get coffee, pick up the boys from being boarded, and spend the day on the couch with them. 

Oh, and I'm meeting my 3-Day team again tonight ... I promise more walk-related posts in the very near future. I'm up to 27 miles/week ... but I've got a long way, and just about six months to go. Click on the tabs on the right to donate ...

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