Monday, August 31, 2009

From the file marked: 'Don't say this to your boss.'

1. Do not say, in response to the question, "what do you remember about your contact with person X?", "Uh, I was kind of drunk. I'm sorry."

2. Do not say, when explaining to your supervisor that you think *her* supervisor should be part of this, "I'm not sure you can handle this."

3. Do not say, "I wasn't really paying attention," when asked if you were provided information on a particular topic in your orientation.

As a supervisor, feel free to say:

- Do you always have difficulty with your memory, or are you attributing that to being intoxicated?

- I was hired for this position for a specific reason, and it has nothing to do with what's between my legs.

- I'm sorry, are we boring you here?

And also, when you've had a particularly trying day, don't forget about Texts From Last Night. Possibly the funniest thing ever. Thanks to Josh for that gem of a procrastination device.

Feel free to remind me that I was *just* on vacation for a week!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You can't go home ...

Well, you can, to some extent, but I guess the point is it's never what you expect, and it's never the same.

But the burritos are good.

Bloomington day 3 now, and lots of fun has been had -- and thanks to e., 14 miles were ticked off the walking schedule yesterday. I had certainly never seen that much of Bloomington on foot, so that was a big plus, as was the good company.

Today brings lunch with some of the Stone Belt gang, and hopefully, a shorter walk this afternoon. I'm thinking five miles -- perhaps down to the Bakehouse on the square for a lovely coffee beverage.

Breakfast plans for tomorrow morning and drinks plans for tomorrow evening -- all in all, not a bad way to round out the trip.

Heading back to Ohio on Friday to see Grandma & James, and then making a break for the East Coast on Sunday a.m. Early. Really, really early. Call me if you're up and bored ...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Almost there ...

I'm actually heading out on a much-anticipated, much-needed vacation tomorrow, and despite my usual aversion to travel and everything that precedes it, I'm totally looking forward to this.

First of all, I'm not really 'traveling' per se, I'm just going *home.* Tomorrow evening, I start my trek for Bloomington, Indiana -- a little piece of paradise in the Midwest.

I'm so close to being there, other than geographically, that I can just about taste it. What does Bloomington taste like, you ask?

- Upland Dragonfly IPA
- Yogi's buffalo chips
- a burrito from Laughing Planet (ooh -- e: that's a perfect mid-walk lunch!)
- Special Eggs from the Village Deli
- a double-tall cappuccino from the Bakehouse
- and half a million other things that I'm sure I'll consume while I'm in town.

Calories don't count when you're *visiting,* right?

Despite the fact that this mentions nothing about the people that I'm just about dying to see, I can barely contain my excitement -- I don't get home often enough, and I'm always worried that I'm missing something great. And I probably am, just a little, 'cause Bloomington is a pretty remarkable place.

Does everyone equate 'going home' with tasty-treats-that-can't-be-had-elsewhere?

Monday, August 17, 2009


No, I didn't just get back from a super-long, training-for-the-Breast-Cancer-3-Day walk. And I haven't been helping anyone move, operating heavy machinery or farming, scrubbing the kitchen floor or rock-climbing.

I'm just freaking exhausted, it's entirely psychological, and let me tell you why.

So, my job is intense, but that's not news, and I knew when I took the position that it was going to be hard, it was going to interfere in my personal life, and it was going to make me want to claw my eyes out every now and again. Where do you sign up, right?

And there aren't really any *new* problems -- it's just more of the same -- but I guess that's what's getting me. *More* of the *same.*

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not looking for NEW ways to be agitated, but I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall -- and without the trippy endorphins that are associated withhead-banging.

I mean, what do I have to do to get people to understand that not acting in the best interest of the clients is a surefire way to see the wrong end of a termination notice? Seriously? Is there no such thing as common sense anymore?


Thursday, August 13, 2009

A sad day.

Tulip Trace Girl Scout Council officially closed its doors today. This is sad, for many reasons.

I'm sad for the many wonderful women (and couple of men) who have given so much to the council and community for the past years, and are being dismissed so completely. They are (with one exception) good people, who have dedicated their time and energy to bringing the Girl Scout program to girls in south central Indiana.

I'm sad because the community is losing such a vital and valuable resource; Girl Scouting has been in its current form in southern Indiana for more than 50 years, which means that most of the folks living in Bloomington don't remember not having Tulip Trace there.

I'm sad about the loss of Belmont -- a wonderful camp property in Brown County (one of the most New-England-like places I've ever been to, outside of New England).

Mostly, though, I'm sad because people like Sue Wanzer, Marcia DeBock and Kathleen Boggess so soundly destroyed something that was so wonderful and so good -- and for selfish, petty reasons.

Girl Scouts is about working together, doing what's right, and most importantly, helping girls grow up to be caring, competent, confident women (thanks, Barbara!). It is not about name-calling, blame-storming, and shirking responsibility and claiming ignorance.

When I grew up in Girl Scouting, I learned that I was supposed to be honest, fair, help where I'm needed; be cheerful; friendly and considerate; show respect for authority; use resources wisely; protect and improve the world around me; show respect for myself and others through my words and actions; and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

The men and women on the soon-to-be-defunct Board of Directors of the council weren't any of these things -- and they should be ashamed of themselves. They've taken away something very precious from the girls and adults of south-central Indiana, and while Girl Scouting will continue to be provided by the Central Indiana council, it will never be the same.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The day has arrived ...

Is it odd to be so excited about a needle in the spine? Perhaps not -- since I hope that it will relieve the stabby pain down the sides of my legs, and the throbbing ache in my lower back.

Cross your fingers that it works as well as it did two years ago.

Also, please be a little excited: yesterday, I got an iPhone. Unexpectedly. For work. I can't even believe the good luck myself. Yay!

And another thing -- my root beer vodka fest is long overdue; I'm thinking Labor Day. And I'm also thinking that it will be more of an 'ode to summer in New England.' Do let me know if you'd like to be invited ...

Time to get ready for my trip to the outpatient surgery center ...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thanks and praise ...

First -- a big THANK YOU to my fabulous landlord for fixing my air conditioning! Ah, the lovely, lovely feeling of cool, de-humidified air, blowing about happily, making me not-so-agitated.

Praise -- to any deity to whom you wish to send gratitude -- be for the nerve block injections that I have scheduled for next Wednesday! I will be so very happy once the shooting pain down my legs and throbbing ache in my back are but a mere memory.

Also -- gratitude to the many wonderful, amazing friends, co-workers and family members who have dug into their hearts and pocketbooks, and helped to support my 3-Day trek. I'm only $624 from hitting the minimum fundraising goal, and $824 from my personal goal of $2500 ... and just think -- only $1324 from reaching $3000! (My basic math is pretty good -- I can keep going ... )

Check this out -- while I don't share all of the same food aversions, I definitely sympathize ...